The big curve ball we all face is longevity. Apparently people who reach the age of 100 (“centenarians”) are currently the fastest growing part of the population globally and it is estimated that there are approximately 450,000 centenarians globally. I thought I’d share some interesting stats which appeared in a recent issue of Money Marketing.
- USA: 72 000 (expect to have a 1 million in 2050)
- Japan: 30 000 (expect to have more than 1 million in 2050)
- UK: 9 000 (expect to have 40 000 in 2030)
- China: 7 000 only (expect to have the most in 2050)
- Spain: 10 000, Canada: 5 000, Italy: 5 000, France: 3 000
While many of today’s centenarians did not know the longevity problem (namely outliving retirement savings) – today we do. And while the future holds many surprises it appears likely that we will live a long time – a very long time. It is a future that has to be provided for.